COVID-19 brought many challenges to businesses and ministries alike. This pandemic forced the world to start walking forward into a new normal and learn how to do everyday life differently. During this time, AGUSM was able to give financial assistance to missionaries who needed the extra help.
Terry and Danean Hull, Alaska Home Missions Directors and Assistant Directors at Camp AgaiutimNune,were among the recipients of this gift. Called to reach Alaskan natives in the villages in their area, we had the privilege of speaking with the Hull’s to see how God is on the move in their corner of Alaska.
What is your favorite thing about where you are currently serving?
The unique people and culture of our Alaska Native folks.
How does your ministry look different during the COVID-19 pandemic?
We have been able to utilize 20 years of video streaming experience to assist locations in getting their services online. However, the Internet is limited in our smaller villages. This led us to utilize other methods such as audio conferencing, radio, and even distributing printed materials.
What unique things are you doing to still minister while you can't do things like normal?
We have utilized audio and video conferencing for many years. However, with travel restrictions still in place for Villages in Alaska, we are relying on their use more than ever.
What lesson have you learned through the COVID-19 pandemic?
* Some things we thought were so important, are not.
* I miss the opportunities to pray with folks in the alters.
* Personal interaction and contact are vital.
Pray for unique and creative ideas
* Be willing to learn new methods
* Look closely at what is going on around you for opportunities to connect with people, meet a need, and represent Jesus to them.
How will the financial assistance you received help you in the weeks to come?
Danean and I are truly blessed by this generous expression to us. We appreciate the prayers, support, and encouragement from US Missions. I am going through a health crisis right now and we have unexpected expenses, so the extra funds really help us out. Thank You!
What has been the biggest challenge within your ministry?
The disappointment of individuals we work with that fall away from their relationship with God. Some just seem to constantly cycle between hot then cold.
What is the most valuable thing you have learned along your journey so far?
The importance of a disciplined devotional and prayer time. The stronger our personal time is, the stronger our ministry is.
What is something you would tell the next generation of missionaries that you wish someone would have shared with you?
Concentrate on discovering and developing effective ways to express your passion, calling, and ability to minister rather than focusing entirely on your location.
What are some exciting things God is currently doing in your ministry? Any specific testimonies you can share from individuals who have been impacted?
We have discovered exciting new opportunities for advancing the Kingdom of God into new villages in Alaska. This has led us to target 13 locations with Prayer and Resources.
What vision has God laid on your heart for the future?
* Plant new churches in Alaska Villages.
* Strengthen our support system for missionaries
* Praying for 300 workers in the next 10 years for the Alaska Harvest Field.